December 19, 2023
Kristal spotlight: Kristal.AI CEO & Founder on Dynamic B2C and B2B(2C) Expansion in SE Asia, India and the UAE
Kristal Team
We're one month into the humanitarian disaster that Russia has inflicted upon Ukraine and unfortunately, the way forward is no clearer now than it was in the early days. Russia has met with far more opposition that it had likely anticipated and the quick path from the border to taking the capital Kyiv has not materialized.
The global response has been swift, with sanctions coming thick and fast. Most corporates have beaten a hasty retreat from Russia, under pressure from their investors and customers. Global energy prices continue to be on a tear though Russian exports to Europe and China are still on.
Given the strong impact of these events across the world, markets have whipsawed wildly but equities have now started to recover from their initial dips. Inflation is still running hot though and central bankers across the globe remain as steadfast as ever in reining back their easy monetary policy. Safe havens like the US dollar and Gold remain in vogue for now and volatility, at least for now, appears to be here to stay.
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December 19, 2023
Kristal Team
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