Investment Products

Get access to a diverse and curated range of institutional grade investment products.

Traded Funds (ETFs)

Seamless investing

Get access to a wide variety of high-quality mutual funds traditionally accessible to institutional investors

Exclusive Access

Only place where you get direct access to portfolio managers as well as an opportunity to co-invest with leading funds

World-Class Issuers

We at Kristal aim to provide access to the best-in-class issuers around the world that provide safe and credible investments.

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Popular Industries

Explore a wide range of themes and invest in the industry of your choice from a curated list of high performing ETFs.

ETF Focus List & Stock Rankings

In conjunction with inputs from our investment committee, our algorithms help us to determine the best ETFs for investors to take a look at every month.

Learn more about how we decide on our ETF Focus List


Algo-based Advisory

Get an ETF portfolio recommendation based on your specified investment amount and preferred risk-level.

Our proprietary algorithm helps you to optimize your portfolio for the best return given these parameters and helps you to rebalance it in a single-click.

For Accredited Investors only

Stocks & Bonds

Universe of stocks and bonds available to you have been actively curated


Vivek Mohindra

Head of Financial Products

Rakesh Khajuria

Director, Financial Products

Balaji Pothiperumal

Head of Advisory

Shilpika Ganeriwala

Lead, Financial Products

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